1) Walker: writer of the book
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The Color Purple is a 1985 drama film directed by Steven Spielberge that centers around the story of a poor southern, Black woman, Cellie Harris who overcomes years of racism, sexism, and physical/verbal abuse from the men in her life like her own father and husband. As she lives her life as a slave to her husband, she meets two strong black women along the way that gives her the comfort and self empowerment to finally stand up for herself and not to give in to her husband's abuse. Cellie's new inner confidence also helps her to reconnect with her long lost sister, Nettie and her two children that she had by her father who had raped her when she was just a pubescent girl. The film is based on the actual novel written by Alice Walker.…
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The black community has their own cycle of violence that we can relate to the characters and relationships in The Color Purple. Black Southerners formed their own small community in the white dominated society but they still destroyed themselves from within this community by abusing and hurting their women. Women living in this black community got mentally, physically, and sexually abused by their fathers, husbands, and other men. While this behavior remains very inappropriate and wrong, the women felt nothing could stop the men from their horrible actions. Sofia and Celie, two main characters in The Color Purple, had experienced pain and harm, especially by their husbands. Having a father who sexually and physically beat her, Celie had never had an easy life. Celie explains her incidents with her father in her diary, “He never had a kine word to say to me. Just say You gonna do what your mammy wouldn’t.” (Page 1). From then on, things only continued to get worse and Celie soon began getting beat and sexually abused by her new husband, Mr. _____. Celie viewed these actions as the normal part of life and better than death. Celie explains to Mr. ____’s sisters, “I don’t fight, I stay where I’m told. But I’m alive.” (Page 22) Mr. _____’s son, Harpo, also physically beats his wife, Sofia. Sofia won’t take this kind of harm though. She decides to fight back and stand up for her rights. This worked out for her with Harpo…
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For centuries women have been considered delicate and have been looked down upon by men. In books and movies women are treated like children and work animals. In the book Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, and in the movie The Color Purple directed by Steven Spielberg, originally written by Alice Walker, women are not treated like equals but as an inferior being. These stories present stereotypical women that stay at home and are mindless compared to men. Janie Crawford and Celie Harris are women who are dictated by the men in their lives and told what to do by the same men, but deep down they have their own dreams and outcomes for life.…
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“The Color Purple” was written by the author Alice Walker, she won a Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for the novel. The novel describes that the American South during the first half of the twentieth century at a time when the South was segregated and women were limited in what choices they were able to make for themselves. Celie starts the novel by erasing herself from the present when she writes “I am”, and attempts to build herself up from this “site of negation”, a burden shared by women who try to forge an identity refusing cultural scripts of gender and sexuality entrenched in patriarchy and manifested through a man made language. (Abbandonato, 1991)…
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The Color Purple by Steven Spielberg is a film and the main plot is a black man that beats and abused his wife, Celie. Celie was happy at first to get out of her house because of her abusive father that took her kids away from her but at the same time distraught of leaving her sister. The movie had originated from a book written by Alice Walker. Alice walker was accused of favoring white feminists while at the same time being very bitter to the black males. After the movie premiered, Alice was criticized from the black male population on her writings and was said that she betrayed the black family and community. Alice portrayed the black manhood in a very negative manner and took away the respect of the black male figure.…
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In Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, Celie leads a life filled with abuse at the hands of the most important men in her life. As result of the women who surround and help her, Celie becomes stronger and overcomes the abuse she experienced. The three most influential women in Celie’s life are her sister Nettie, her daughter-in-law Sofia, and the singer Shug Avery. These are the women who lead Celie out of her shell and help her turn from a shy, withdrawn woman to someone who was free to speak her mind and lead her own independent life.…
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Today, in a global world, there is no difference between gender roles. Women became a more independent on their life. Writer Henrik Ibsen’s “Dollhouse” gave an overview about a beginning of feminisms in the 19th century. “Nora” who was the main role of the play transcend her character from doll house for free women constantly up to the end of the play. It shows the trend of independence in women’s life. Her action of borrowed the money from Krogstad to save her husband's’s life was clearly explained about the protest of feminism. She wanted to become a more responsible towards her family, which normally plays by the husband in the family. Nora changed her role through borrowed money, and arranged to pay deb which express her leading responsibility…
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This novel is dealing with real life situations that no one would talk about. Alice Walker’s prize winning novel “The Color Purple,” turned into motion picture in 1985. In the beginning, the film caused a wide range of controversy. People who wrote hate letters and organization’s who threatened to boycott the whole production. The Black women’s story was told to millions of people by Hollywood. Another explanation for the movie was how many black people were illiterate, and some did not go to school. The movie influences the audience by showing how what can happen behind closed doors and expresses how that color is the same no matter what the color may be. The film also shows how men over powered women. In a movie-based novel there is always question of becoming a Hollywood movie. Hollywood is notoriously insensitive to the concerns of women and people of color. Years after the release of the movie “The Color Purple,” Alice Walker expressed her opinion on the movie in the book “The same river twice” published in 1996. The book includes a draft of Alice Walker’s original screenplay, and some aspects and thoughts on the making and the reception of the film, which became the original story of “The Color Purple.”…
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