The pleasures and rights of a woman’s sexual freedom, and doing it safely was my activism project main objective. I endeavored to educate woman concerning these issue in a fun and comfortable atmosphere. This topic can be simultaneously controversial and exciting. What is female sexuality? Female sexuality encompasses a broad range of topics, including female sexual identity and sexual behavior, the physiological, psychological, social, cultural, political, and spiritual aspects of sex. This is not a subject that has recently been viewed as a topic of interest. This subject has been under scrutiny for many centuries. To discuss sexuality is taboo in many cultures due to society’s stigmas. Lack of education is the primary source of ignorance because of the subject matter. Society has placed females into a particular gender role and when the role is broken or challenged, she becomes a target for ridicule and rejection. A female self image and self esteem is another area that has been trampled. She must learn how to love herself for who she is not just focus on her physical appearance. Many women suffer from lack of self esteem due to their body image. Society has dictated a particular body shape and size that is necessary to considered beautiful. The media is largely responsible for this mentality. Most ads portray a model which is tall, very thin, and white with flowing hair. This is what society view as beautiful. Any women outside of these parameters are considered to need help with their appearance to achieve this status of beauty. The desire to adhere to these ridiculous standards can lead to medical problem, such as bulimia and anorexia. A certain appearance, or the lack thereof, can also affect a woman’s career. For example, dressing too provocative or in some cases not provocative enough. We are given the message that our value depends on our physical
Cited: Barnard, c. (2005, Jan 18). Body Image and Eating Disorders. Retrieved from Feminism and woman studies: Control, C. o. (2010). Satistics. GA: CDC. Jennifer Berman, L. B. (2005). For women only: a revolutionary guide to reclaiming your sex life. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC. Studd, D. J. (2006). History of female sexuality. London.