A commitment to the individual and the desire to construct a society where people can satisfy their interests and achieve fulfilment.
Summary * The term ‘Liberal’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Liber’, which refers to a class of free men, in other words, men who were neither serfs nor slaves. * It is associated with ideas of freedom and choice. * Human beings are first and foremost, individuals, endowed with reason. * This implies that each individual should enjoy the maximum possible freedom consistent with a like freedom for all. * Although entitled to equal rights and political rights, they should be rewarded in line with their talents and their willingness to work. * Liberal societies are organised around the twin principles: Constitutionalism and consent. It is designed to protect citizens from government tyranny. * Classical liberalism: characterised by a belief in ‘minimal state’ function is to be limited to the maintenance of domestic order and personal security. * Modern liberalism: accept that states should help people to help themselves.
Core Values: 1. The individual
= Unique and Equal.
* Feudalism was displaced by increasingly market-orientated societies . * Individuals were encouraged individuals to think for themselves and to think of themselves in personal terms. * A serf was now a ‘free man’ and acquired some ability to choose who to work for and maybe the opportunity to leave the land altogether and look for work in the growing towns or cities. * Rational and scientific explanations gradually displaced traditional religious theories. * Society was understood from the view point of the human individuals. * However, emphasizing the importance of individual has two contrasting implications: 1) Individuals are primarily defined by inner qualities and attributes specific to themselves. 2) They nevertheless each