A Pokémon or “pocket monster” is a popular anime that is based on the story of a young “Pokémon Trainer” “Ash” in his journey to become a “Pokémon master”. This means capturing and training Pokémon to create an elite team of the strongest so that you can say you are master of all Pokémon hence a Pokémon master, this also consists of capturing every type of Pokémon and completing your poke-dex (a electronic encyclopaedia on Pokémon that automatically records the amount of different Pokémon seen and caught). Whilst it may seem very friendly and childish the story is open to interpretation and could be viewed from a feminist standpoint to be actually misogynistic.
The first female character introduced in the series is Ash’s mom, she is introduced as the stereotypical mother however if we look closer at her we can see how see is trapped in a life of servitude and loneliness. That is why she is so attached to her son. There is a clear absence of …show more content…
This could be interpreted to the liberation of women, as they are allowed to wear what they want when they want. However another interpretation is that they are viewed as mere sexual objects that are open to sexual flirtation, this is why Brock, who is a notorious womaniser, is constantly shown flirting with female characters throughout the show and is entitled to make passes on them. However this is quickly ended by Misty who would grab Brock by the ear and throws him to the ground. This may seem like a humorous practice however this could be interpreted into Brock showing sexual aggression and him seeing women as a mere outlet for his sexual desires. That is why Misty must quickly throw him to the ground to prevent him from enacting his dark desires. When Misty fades away another female companion comes along to prevent Brock, in other words they are a “Brock block”, but none are as aggressive as