In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Biotechnology
Presented to the Faculty of Santa Barbara National Comprehensive High School
Special Science Class – Biotechnology
Santa Barbara National Comprehensive High School
Sepacio, Ma. Gelene Rose
Sondia, Mary France
Sarroza, Shiela Mae
July 2013
The major problem of people is the foul odor in pig farms. It contains noxious ammonia and hydrogen sulfide and this can lead to respiratory diseases. Although the pig farms produce air pollution, they can’t be closed as these are important agricultural industries.
With this problem, the researchers decided to conduct the study, with the title,“Fermented Plant Juice as Organic Deodorizer in Piggery Waste” This study is beneficial because it will promote healthy lifestyle because it is organic and environment friendly.
Moreover, FPJ is made from auxiliary buds and young fruits, fast growing plants, young leaves of plants and grasses. Mixed with crude sugar or molasses, the juice is extracted and fermented after storing for a period of time. The liquid is applied to plant’s leaves and growing points, soil around the plant, compost heap and animal beddings to fortify microbial activities.
The researchers aim to disinfect foul odor of piggeries, using this organic deodorizer and to prove that Fermented Plant Juice is effective in eliminating odor.
Therefore, the researchers concluded that Fermented Plant juice is effective in eliminating odor.
The Researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation and gratitude to the following people who have contributed and inspired the researchers to the overall success of this study.
To The Department of Agriculture for their assistance in making the Fermented Plant Juice used in the study. To Miss Oliva Suelo, Head of Science Department for her trust and considerations.
To our classmates who have been there
Bibliography: Documentation