I do sympathize with the "monster" and feel the movies of course make him mute or inarticulate to make it more sensational. I prefer the book to the movies.
3. Trace the similarities between Victor and the monster. Consider their respective relationships with nature, desires for family, and any other important parallels you find. Do Victor and the monster become more similar as the novel goes on? How does their relationship with each other develop?
I think they are alike in ways, but feel that Victor never truly listens to what his creation has to say. They are similar in their stubborness and in the fact that they both crave something.
4. Victor attributes his tragic fate to his relentless search for knowledge. Do you think that this is the true cause of his suffering? In what ways does the novel present knowledge as dangerous and destructive?
The fact is that searching non stop for knowledge is dangerous. There are some things in life that are not meant to be known. I think his demise is his own fault and his stubborness and selfishness.
5. Examine the role of suspense and foreshadowing throughout the novel. Do you think these devices are effective, or does Victor’s blatant foreshadowing reveal too much? How does foreshadowing differ among the three main narrators (Walton, Victor, and the monster)?
I love the writing style and find it to be a timeless story. The foreshadowing is part of the story and therefore I liked