Given that Victor cannot deal with extreme distress, …show more content…
Victor becomes more secluded. This seclusion was mainly due to the fact that he knew anyone with whom he had a relationship would be sought out by the Monster, who would then kill in vengeance. The Monster’s revenge stemmed from Frankenstein not erecting a mate for him. The secret of the Monster’s creation consumes Victor with guilt, and illness is the only escape from the maddening secrecy. He is able to think on his crimes and able to confess only to himself all that he has done corroding his brain.
This said, the only thing which seems to make Victor begin to recover is the promise of spring and consistency. Since Frankenstein is Romantic, nature must be a given and often shown theme. In this novel, nature is given the ability to cure Victor. Not only does it cure him, it allows him to recognize the fact that consistency and peacefulness exists in the world. For example; Mont Blanc, the lake by his home. Therefore, nature is shown as a healing power of human