According to the DSM-IV TR Lucy’s symptoms reflect that she has Dependent Personality Disorder. She has displayed these symptoms for most of her childhood, especially after her mother passed away when she was 12. Her mother was very protective in which enabled Lucy to become dependent on her Mother and after she passed Lucy then sought out others to take care of her well into her adulthood.
I would recommend Cognitive and Behavioral therapy approach for Lucy. This approach is best for those dealing with personality, anxiety, mood, etc. disorders (Stangor, 2010). They both are short-term and is preferred over long-term because it can lead to dependence on a therapist (Psych Central, 2013). The idea of cognitive therapy is that changing thoughts will change emotions, and that the new emotions will then influence behavior. The goal of cognitive therapy is not necessarily to get people to think more positively but rather to think more accurately (Stangor, 2010). The Behavioral approach is the Psychological treatment that is based on principles of learning. With both approaches suggestions I would make would be assertiveness training to help