The story resembles the Twilight Saga written by Stephanie Meyer. It started off as a fan fiction of the twilight saga. The similarities between the two series are uncanny Christian Grey shared the same characteristics as Edward Cullen, as does Ana Stele to Bella Swan. Both series even take place in Washington, and share the same storyline: Typical, rich, good looking guy falls in love with an innocent, small town girl and vice versa. They agree that they don't belong to each other but somehow fates keeps coincidentally bringing them together. One does desire to read such repetitive plots and cliché love stories. The best stories are original and classify as different from the rest. With Fifty Shades of Grey, it's like reading a book you’ve read a thousand times before just with different names and secrets amongst the characters. The book is not unique and basically someone else's work that E.L. James practically took credit
The story resembles the Twilight Saga written by Stephanie Meyer. It started off as a fan fiction of the twilight saga. The similarities between the two series are uncanny Christian Grey shared the same characteristics as Edward Cullen, as does Ana Stele to Bella Swan. Both series even take place in Washington, and share the same storyline: Typical, rich, good looking guy falls in love with an innocent, small town girl and vice versa. They agree that they don't belong to each other but somehow fates keeps coincidentally bringing them together. One does desire to read such repetitive plots and cliché love stories. The best stories are original and classify as different from the rest. With Fifty Shades of Grey, it's like reading a book you’ve read a thousand times before just with different names and secrets amongst the characters. The book is not unique and basically someone else's work that E.L. James practically took credit