A man and his friends are on a hunting trip in the mountains. The man sees an angry grizzly bear at the camp site running straight at him. The man’s first instinct is to try and fight off the grizzly bear. In the fight or flight response our body under goes a series of dramatic changes. Our pupils dilate, our awareness intensifies, and impulses quicken. Chemicals are released into the bloodstream that allow the body extra energy and fuel for running or fighting.
The second option the man has in a situation like this is to try and flee the grizzly. The same response from the fight or flight reaction that gave him energy to fight, would give him the same energy boost to out run his attacker. A sequence of nerve cells firing occur and chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol are released into the bloodstream. This chemical reaction creates an immense amount of muscle movement and physical exertion.
The last response that has been most recently added to the fight or flight is, freeze. The freeze response works differently. The freeze response comes into play when we become aware that there is no hope for surviving an attack. In this case if the man was to freeze and “play dead” the man would sustain sever injuries but would most likely survive the attack. The fight or flight response that has activated the chemical response would then allow him to