way too hard on other people. Brian’s parents seem like total pushovers. Allison’s parents just pretty much ignore her, and it has a very odd effect on her. John's parents are abusive to him, so he feels the need to rebel. Overall, I thought this film was pretty good. The only issue I had with the film was the fact that everyone was an awful dancer. During the scene when the five are just dancing and having fun, it looked like they were having seizures. I liked how even though the most of the film was in the library, it looked like a different place in each new shot. For example, when the students are sitting at the tables looks like a completely different place compared to when they are having their deeper discussion. This makes the film seems cooler than just a bunch of kids in detention on a Saturday.
way too hard on other people. Brian’s parents seem like total pushovers. Allison’s parents just pretty much ignore her, and it has a very odd effect on her. John's parents are abusive to him, so he feels the need to rebel. Overall, I thought this film was pretty good. The only issue I had with the film was the fact that everyone was an awful dancer. During the scene when the five are just dancing and having fun, it looked like they were having seizures. I liked how even though the most of the film was in the library, it looked like a different place in each new shot. For example, when the students are sitting at the tables looks like a completely different place compared to when they are having their deeper discussion. This makes the film seems cooler than just a bunch of kids in detention on a Saturday.