Prior to administering any behavioural tests, a baseline audiometric assessment must be conducted to rule out any existing peripheral hearing loss, which can confound test results (Bellis, 2002). 15 Behavioural central auditory tests should include both verbal and non-verbal stimuli, be age-appropriate, and last for an amount of time appropriate for the individual’s motivation and attention span (Bamiou et al., 2001). Due to the heterogeneous nature of APD coupled with the complexity of the CAP no gold standard test for APD exists (Medwetsky, 2002; Musiek, et al., 2005). A typical APD test battery comprises the following sub-tests which are designed to tap into the following four different auditory …show more content…
Ease of perception is possible due to the redundancy of the speech signal at both acoustic and linguistic levels (Cooper 1952; Liberman1970). Recognizing speech in adverse listening conditions is a significant cognitive, perceptual, and linguistic challenge. Numerous factors have been suggested to explain the difficulties experienced by children when listening to speech in presence of background noise. One such important interaction is between the listener’s age and the noise and reverberation in the environment (Jenstad & Souza, 2007). Interactions among the talker, listener, and listening environment are the main factors affecting success of speech communication. Cognitive factors, including memory, attention, and fatigue may affect perception during difficult listening tasks (Hnath- Chisolm et, al 1998; Oh et, al.2001; Wightman