Cassie Fernandez, Shoshannah Farber, Melody Castillo, and Darlene See
July 27, 2015
Dave Faiella
Learning Team Reflection
In the video, Corporate Finance Video: Stable Money Makers, Peggy Parks has taken a chance on raising and breeding alpacas. She chooses to do this instead of watching her 401K slowly disappear and have nothing for her senior years. Ms. Parks initially invested $56,000 to buy seven animals to start up the alpaca farm. Her investment is starting to pay off because the original seven have already produced two babies, which will add about $15,000 to the value of her business in the first year. One capital improvement that Ms. Parks should make to her business is to sell the alpaca coat. According to Sugarloaf Alpaca Company, “The fiber they produce has unique qualities and is used by …show more content…
Another way Peggy’s can improve her working capital is by expanding her business and incorporate additional animals to breed and sell. Like Peggy said, “one must do research first figure out will be the most profitable. For example, cattle, chickens, or pigs could be a good addition and investment for Peggy’s business. If Peggy adds to her business, this will reduce the risk of losses and increase her profits that will increase her retirement savings. Although, the cost of land and upkeep for the animals will increase; if done right, her profits will outweigh her cost. Expanding Peggy’s herd and selling the offspring could improve her capital, and she can put the money back into her business until she reaches the profitability point. Peggy could also expand by looking into selling the Alpaca wool, which could be extremely profitable for