Javiniar, John Gabriel
Otucan, Christian Paul
Osis, Shanna Kamilah
Santos, Romina Marize
Santiago, Hanna Patricia Mae
This research is all about the causes, effects of a broken family among teenagers and prevention. First of all, what is a family?
Definition wise, family is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. But there are kinds of family that exist. The first one is what you call the Conjugal Family. A conjugal family includes only the husband, the wife, and unmarried children who are not of age. This is the most basic form of a family. The second one is the Matrifocal Family. It is the type of family wherein the family only consists of a mother and her children. This kind of family is common where women have the resources to rear their children by themselves, or where men are more mobile than women. The third one is the Extended Family. This kind of family is very common here in our country. It is a family wherein the members are blood related both does not belong to the conjugal family. An example of this is a house with a conjugal family living with their in-laws, cousins, grandparents, etc. The last one is what we commonly known as a Broken Family. From the word itself “broken”, a broken family or as also called broken home, is a house containing a family that is set apart agreed by the parents due to some tensions and problems that happened in the past. The effect of the separation both affects the children and the parent themselves. It is very important to a house to have a complete family in order to avoid conflicts, such as emotional or psychological stress. The most affected among the situation of the separation are the children. So the researchers focused in this subject matter to study the impacts of a broken family among teenagers.
Broken family is getting numerous among Filipino households these days. The most affected in the situation are the off-spring of the
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