Green Toy Inc. was founded in 2006, created by Robert von Goeben and Laurie
Hyman together. Green Toys™ are a line range of environmentally friendly toys made in the USA from 100% recycled milk jugs. Very suitable for ages 0-6 years old, Green
Toys ™ has been specifically development in order to develop children’s fine motor skills, creativity and imagination. A firm favorite among parents, their range covers everything from cars and trucks, imaginative play toys, including games of food, building blocks, baby toys and building kits, as well as some of the various age groups of boys and girls and different designs for each group.
All products in the Green Toys™ range have been designed from the ground up to be as environmentally friendly as possible. To date the company has turned almost 22 million milk jugs into toys, which contain no harmful chemicals, and are shipped in eco-friendly packaging. Green Toys™ are a great way to introduce the concept of recycling to your kids children as a result!
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2.0 What are the key success factors in the world toy industry?
Toys are significant part to accompany each child grow up. Each child has a favorite toy fondle admiringly. It is precisely because toys are closely linked with each child to grow, so the toy industry has a considerable market size and growth potential. In the past few years, all the rage, the classic toy has three characteristics: compliance with safety standards, have good appearance and quality, to meet the potential demand of the child.
Emotional appeal Perception
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Toy safety is the cornerstone. Children are the hope for the future, but as a long-term playmate for children, and nearest items contact with children, security will directly affect the growth of children.
The second layer is the perception and function. Perception refers to a toy have direct experience can be touched shape, material, and feel like this feature allows children to experience more fun.