I. Problem:
Which battery lasts the longest out of two different brands Kingever, Eveready?
II. Title:
Battery Life
III. Abstract:
Nowadays people do not know if batteries are fully charge or completely cahrge, because people create some batteries baecause of "crisis". People generally used battery once and later throws it. But in many cases it is recharged for longer time in many power applications. Through batteries, we can use emergency lights, radios and other electronics which are useful to our daily lives.
IV. Introduction:
I came up to this investegatory project to help people to know about what battery have the most surviving energy. I also want to know the people that sometimes the advertisments are not actually right but the only do this so that thier products can be popular. And they dont really know that it is not fully or completel charged.
V. Procedure:
We tested each of the flashlights by using the two test batteries. We then labelled each flashlight with the battery barnd name and put the different batteries in each marked flashight.
Before going to bed we will turn on all the flashlights at the same time and lest them on overnight. We`ll note down the time that the flashlights were turned on. When we wake up we will watch the flashlghts until they go out and will record the time. If one goes out before we akwe up, we will get two more of the same type of battery and watch it during the say.
VI. Data and Result:
My expirement showed that Eveready outlasted the two batteries we tested by at more than two hours. The Kingever lasted 15 hours. The Eveready lasted 24-1/2 hours.
VII. Conclusion:
We rejected our hypothesis that Eveready would last the longest. We came to this conclusion because our data show that Eveready lasted longer than Kingever. This also proves that even though batteries may be more expinsive (like Duracell was), you might not be paying for a better battery.