A battery is a component that converts chemical, thermal or light energy into electrical charge. A power supply is a piece of equipment with dc outputs that can be adjusted to provide any voltage within its supply limits.…
There are many different types of electro-chemical cells and batteries but here is an explanation on two of them:…
How does a voltaic pile make electricity? The key to electricity is the movement of electrons. In a voltaic pile, electrons move from one metal to the other through the saltwater solution. The saltwater solution is called an electrolyte, and it contains ions in solution from the dissolved salts. An ion is a group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge. The ions react with the metals, causing an electrochemical reaction, a special kind of chemical reaction that makes electrons.…
The first battery or voltaic cell (later named a galvanic cell) was made by Alessandro Volta, his discoveries led to the first working batteries. Over time the chemistry and construction of a battery has been refined, and society has become more reliant on these efficient portable sources of electrical energy. With the positive benefits of batteries come many environmental problems. The role of chemists play an important role in not only refining the chemistry of current…
In comparison, Button cells are much smaller than lead acid cells. Button cells are shaped as small, squat cylinders usually 5 to 22mm in diameter and between 1 to 6mm in height and weigh little over several grams. The voltage and current produced by these batteries are small and steady, and these properties make them very suitable for powering small portable electronic devices such as wrist watches, pocket calculators, hearing aids, and sometimes pacemakers. These batteries are usually not rechargeable, and last a long time, though lifespan depends on chemical composition and use.…
The dry cell or Leclanche cell was the first commercial battery and therefore had a big impact on society. It is the most common and the cheapest of the commercially available cell and is most widely used in torches, portable radios and battery-operated clocks. It is best used for low drain appliances, which need only small currents such as portable items (radio).…
The electrons move due to voltage of the battery,so the battery causes an electric field which make the electrons experience a force because of that field. The current flow on the opposite direction of the electrons, on the other hand the flow of electrons move toward the positive side of the battery.…
In each of the individual cells the anode is made of a porous lead sheet and the cathode is made of a lead sheet that is coated is a layer of compressed Lead(IV) oxide. When the battery is in a charges state the negative electrode which is lead which the positive electrode is lead coated with lead (IV) oxide, PbO2. the electrode is around 5 mol/L diluted sulfuric acid. When the cell generates electricity, both electrodes becomes coated with insoluble lead sulfate and the the concentration of sulfuric acid decreases and fills with…
Potential- is the difference between the inside and the outside of the cell , potential is measure in Mv.…
We made a simple battery out of a potato by placing in it a zinc strip and a copper strip. At the zinc strip, the acid dissolves the zinc freeing electrons. At the copper strip, the acid uses those electrons to form hydrogen gas. Because the zinc strip frees electrons and the copper strip uses electrons, if you put a wire between the two strips, then electrons will flow from the zinc to the copper. This is electrical energy.…
dry cells use ammonium chloride as the electrolyte. "Cells needed to supply heavier currents use…
4) The role of a battery in an electrical circuit can be described in three different ways. First, it is the energy supply. Second, the energy supplied by the battery is required to do work upon the charge to move it against the electric field from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. And third, by moving the charge against the field from negative to positive terminal, the battery establishes an electric potential difference across the two ends of the external circuit.…
A Fruit battery is a device used in experiments proposed in many science textbooks around the world. It is made by inserting two different metallic objects, for example a galvanized nail and a copper coin, into an ion bridge (for example a lemon, a potato or paper soaked in salt water or acid). The copper coin serves as the positive electrode or cathode and the galvanized nail as the electron-producing negative electrode or anode. These two objects work as electrodes, causing anelectrochemical reaction which generates a small potential difference.…
The first battery that Alessandro Volta made was called the ‘Voltaic Pile’. The “Pile” consisted of discs of copper and zinc, stacked alternatively. In 1800, after going through extensive experimentation, Volta developed the voltaic pile. The original voltaic pile consisted of a pile of zinc and silver discs. The discs were separated by pieces of paper or cardboard and they were in between the alternating discs. The dividers were soaked in salt water. A copper wire connected the bottom zinc disc to the top silver disc could create frequent sparks. The top and the bottom layers had to be different metals and they were attached by a copper wire. When the circuit was closed electricity flowed through the Voltaic Pile.…
The compounds or systems that usually consist of two different terminals are used for storing electric power, are commonly referred to as capacitors. They form an essential part of any electronic equipment or circuit because they help in the storage of power. The characteristics of the capacitors, i.e. the voltage it can withstand, material it is made up of etc. are what generally define the ability or the potential of a capacitor. Capacitance is what is generally used for the measurement of the ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy. Higher the capacitance, better it is. Depending on the characteristics, these capacitors can be classified into different types. And some of the most common types of conductors are discussed below.…