TUTORIAL (Question)
Tutorial 1
Refer to Unit Plan, brief the students on learning objectives and learning outcomes of this unit.
Refer to Unit Plan, remind students on coursework assessment (mid-term test 1 and 2). Mid-Term Test 1 will be given in WEEK 5 to monitor students’ progress on the understanding of the lectures and tutorials from Topic 1 to 3. Mid Tem test 2 will be given in WEEK 9 to monitor students’ progress on the understanding of the lectures and tutorials from Topic 4 to 7. The duration of each test will be forty five (45) minutes (30 multiple-choice questions and 3 subjective questions). The attendances for these tests are compulsory. All questions are to be answered. The examination is CLOSED BOOK.
Inform the students that they need to prepare and answer all the tutorial questions before they attend tutorial class. Students are required to present their answers to tutorial questions. Poor presentation and insufficient efforts in preparation will result in penalty marks deducted from mid term examination at the discretion of lecturer and tutor.
Tutorial 2 (Topic 1)
An Introduction to Financial Management
Question 1
Identify the primary characteristics of each form of legal organization.
(a) sole proprietor; (b) partnership; (c) corporation
Question 2
Using the following criteria, specify the legal form of business that is favoured:
(a) organizational requirements and costs
(b) liability of the owners
(c) continuity of business
(d) transferability of ownership
(e) management control and regulations
(f) ability to raise capital
(g) income taxes
Question 3
What are some of the problems involved in the use of profit maximization as the goal of the firm? How does the goal of maximization of shareholder wealth deal with those problems?
Question 4
Describe the primary role of a Financial Manager within a firm.