Sales Projections: Forecasted Weekly Sales Calculation Food average 24.16 Capacity 100 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total Covers Food Check Ave Beverage Check Ave (85/15) Total Check Ave Average Weekly Revenue Capacity 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
X % Full 50% 60% 65% 70% 80% 80% 50% Occupied Seats 50 60 65 70 80 80 50 X Turns 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 Total Covers 125 150 163 175 240 240 150 1,243 $24.16 $4.26 $28.42 $35,316
This projection is based on occupancy rates once the restaurant is up and running. These rates will be reduced in the early 20XX forecastes and will gradually increase over time to reach this projection by the end of the 1st year of operations. See the 1st and 2nd year detailed sales projections for those adjustments. Beverage check average is calculated as 15% of total check average, where food is calculated at 85% of total check average. My Project
Forecasted Sales - Year One Adjustments to Revenue
Week Beginning Date (Monday) Forecasted Ave Weekly Revenue Decreased Occupancy Holidays & Special Days Notes on Special Days Adjusted Revenue Revenue by Month Adj for occ Adj for holiday
1 1/3/18 $35,316 -75% $8,829 $8,829 $-
2 1/10/18 $35,316 -75% $8,829 $8,829 $-
3 1/17/18 $35,316 -70% $10,595 $10,595 $-
4 1/24/18 $35,316 -70% $10,595 $10,595 $-
5 1/31/18 $35,316 -70% $10,595 49,443 $10,595 $-
6 2/7/18 $35,316 -65% $12,361 $12,361 $-
7 2/14/18 $35,316 -65% 20% Valentine's Day $14,833