In its’ premise, or reason, the article indicates that cyberbullying is more prevalent in middle and high schools, because the use of cell phones, the Internet, and other technological paraphernalia plays a significant role in the social lives of nearly all adolescents. While hatred has existed since the beginning of time, the invention of the Internet has helped to spread hatred and prejudice more quickly and more forcefully than ever before. Cyberbullying has been widely reported and broadcast on the news when there have been suicides as a result of cyber harassment, and intimidation occurring. Many schools in the U.S. have already adopted anti-bias training programs established by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to put workshops into middle and high schools for their educators and students. Forty-one states in the U.S., including California, have adopted some regulations mandating that schools implement anti-bullying laws, which are based on the ADL’s model; however, more states need to adopt more comprehensive policies to guard against bullying.…