First Frost is a short, free verse poem about a young girl who has been hurt for the first time or ……has gone through her heartbreak/virginity/sexual assault...
Throughout the poem Voznesenski tells us that there will be many more events during our lifetime. He uses language and figurative devices to evoke imagery, such as personification and metaphors.
The poet carefully chose adjectives and nouns to give the poem many different meanings. In the first line of the first stanza he uses the noun ‘girl’, instead of ‘woman’, that could indicate that she is young and maybe has not had many ‘grown up experiences’. This links in with the adjective ‘smeared’, firstly as this girl is quite young she may have applied the lipstick badly having no understanding of how to do this task. Or the word could take on a more sinister and negative meaning, that she had perfect or well-done lipstick which has turned into a smear after her being sexually assaulted or raped. The poet describes her face being ‘stained by tears’, which shows she has been crying, or could suggest that the event has left a more permanent mark.
We know from the word ‘flimsy’ that she wasn’t prepared for the weather and now metaphorically she is looking for comfort because she is vulnerable. She looks for comfort in her coat ‘huddled’ this relates to her emotionally and physically,
Microism-the girl represents that many bad events will happen throughout our life,
Pathetic fallacy-links in w microcosm it won’t always be bad and winter will turn into spring and summer
The poet uses similes to describe her fingers ‘Finger like ice’; this could take on a literal meaning or a symbolic meaning, ‘ice’ shows that she is fragile and that she can easily be shattered. Although this is not a simile it still portrays the image of a small girl who has had protection when she was younger, but now as she moves