First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress
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First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress
The first phase of the Indian Nationals congress was marked with moderate policy of gradualism and constitutionalism.
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The genesis of the Indians National Congress created the common front of the nationalist feeling in India. The various political organizations in different parts of India and the ferment of ideas had prepared the ground for the foundation of the Indian national Congress. According to the historians the Indian National congress was the visible s embodiment of the national uprisings in allover India. The efforts of Surendranath Bannerjee, the leader of the Indian Association of Calcutta played the most important role in the formation of the Indian National Congress. Mr. Hume, a retired government official was entrusted with the charge of giving the organization a definite shape and an all India character. W.C Bonnerjee popularized the idea and motto of the Indian National Congress. Thus the Indian