Analyzing the First Book of Samuel 1st Samuel is named after the person in history that God used to establish a monarchy in Israel. Samuel anointed both Saul and David, Israel’s first two kings, and he also gave individual account on the new way God was beginning to rule over the Israelites. As seem in this source Samuel spent his life, similar to the life of Moses, as a representative of sorts between God and the Hebrews. Samuel continually provided witness accounts of the transitions which Israel went through. Transitions described in the first book of Samuel such as the transition from being ruled by judges to that of a ruling monarchy. Many questions concerning the context of the first book of Samuel have been asked, receiving no definite answer. Questions like who wrote first Samuel? The authorship is still currently unknown. The first book of Samuel, itself gives us no indication of the author’s identity. However, we can conclude that whoever the author is, they had to have access to a number of records about the lives and times of Samuel, Saul, and David. There have been many guess as to the author ship of first Samuel; however none has any significant amount of evidence to prove them true and accurate. Others ask “When was first Samuel written?” From directly within this primary source we can establish around what time it was written. In first Samuel, we are told that the elders of Israel began to ask for a king to rule them. This gives us evidence that the primary source was written around the same time when Saul was appointed King of Israel. The exact dates are unknown, but scholars approximate the date to be around 1040 BC, similar to the time when Saul was crowned king. We can also determine the approximate location in which the source was written. Based on the primary subjects in the source, Israel and the Hebrews, It would be appropriate to assume that it was written within or near their cultural society. The author
Analyzing the First Book of Samuel 1st Samuel is named after the person in history that God used to establish a monarchy in Israel. Samuel anointed both Saul and David, Israel’s first two kings, and he also gave individual account on the new way God was beginning to rule over the Israelites. As seem in this source Samuel spent his life, similar to the life of Moses, as a representative of sorts between God and the Hebrews. Samuel continually provided witness accounts of the transitions which Israel went through. Transitions described in the first book of Samuel such as the transition from being ruled by judges to that of a ruling monarchy. Many questions concerning the context of the first book of Samuel have been asked, receiving no definite answer. Questions like who wrote first Samuel? The authorship is still currently unknown. The first book of Samuel, itself gives us no indication of the author’s identity. However, we can conclude that whoever the author is, they had to have access to a number of records about the lives and times of Samuel, Saul, and David. There have been many guess as to the author ship of first Samuel; however none has any significant amount of evidence to prove them true and accurate. Others ask “When was first Samuel written?” From directly within this primary source we can establish around what time it was written. In first Samuel, we are told that the elders of Israel began to ask for a king to rule them. This gives us evidence that the primary source was written around the same time when Saul was appointed King of Israel. The exact dates are unknown, but scholars approximate the date to be around 1040 BC, similar to the time when Saul was crowned king. We can also determine the approximate location in which the source was written. Based on the primary subjects in the source, Israel and the Hebrews, It would be appropriate to assume that it was written within or near their cultural society. The author