B.LOCATION OF THE BUSINESS The business will be established at Km 5, La Trinidad Benguet. La Trinidad is a port of Benguet where a large number of people are residing. La Trinidad is a first class municipality in the province of Benguet, Philippines and it is the capital municipality of Benguet. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 107,188 people. Considering its income classification and their main source of income comes from agriculture and small scale mining.
C.PROJECT’S LONG RANGE OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSES As marketers, our business aims to create and develop friendly relationships between the fabricator and the customers, to provide a good service, Building customer awareness, to provide a strong foundation for the growth of the spa and wellness industry, to promote awareness and strengthen the profile of Ocean Fish Spa and wellness industry locally, nationally and internationally, To provide affordable fish spa services to its customers at affordable prices, To develop technologies for the production and maintenance of fish spa systems, To promote the tourism industry in the town of La Trinidad, Benguet and the Province of Benguet, Allowing our customers to experience natural exfoliation of the feet to produce healthy, glowing skin results from even the most crusty or diseased epidermis.