Integrity I must be trust worthy working for the educability of all. I must be willing to examine continuously my own assumptions, beliefs, and practices doing the work required for high levels of personal and organization performance.
I will demonstrate my integrity to the staff and students by doing the following. Keep the employees up-to-date on the status of the school with clear and frequent communication at staff meetings, face-to-face meetings emails phone calls. I will be present in classroom, halls, recess, lunch duty and willing to create an open door policy for staff, students and parents. I will also invest in self-help books and seminars continuously to keep updated …show more content…
Core beliefs of the school vision will be modeled for all stakeholders. The vision is developed with and among stakeholders. The contributions of school community members of the vision are recognized and celebrated.
Create an equitable Climate Culture for staff and students Culture and climate an orderly and business−like atmosphere that is student friendly. Firm, fair and consistent discipline. A cooperative, congenial atmosphere; few classroom interruptions. Parent involvement in the learning process positive relationships with the school community; Adequate and accessible materials and facilities; no overcrowded classrooms a well-kept flower garden pulling weeds daily.
I will implement the classroom climate by creating committees that are responsible for awards.counsoling social services bully intervention, after school activities and