
Five Stages Of Grief In The Raven

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Five Stages Of Grief In The Raven
The very concept of Psychology states an individual undergoes psychosomatic hardships at various points in their lives. Whether it be economic burden, divorce, or the death of a loved one individuals face periods of emotional turmoil. Furthermore, individuals may experience reactions such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, which are frequently referred to as the five stages of grief. However, due to grief’s non-linear nature, every person will handle the sentiments with a different approach. “The Raven,” by Edgar Allan Poe, displays an individual coping with the tragic loss of a loved one. Furthermore, it demonstrates how an individual may experience the five stages of grief in a non-linear fashion, by showcasing the …show more content…
During the seventh stanza, a raven presents itself as a symbol of the narrators’ subconscious by perching itself on a bust of the Greek God Pallas, whom was the God of Wisdom, which articulates the birds’ significance. As the poem progresses the narrator commences the progression of the five stages of grief. He begins to bargain in stanza nine, which almost slips to anger in stanza twelve, yet he maintains composure long enough to hit that stage in stanza fifteen. However, the narrator begins to reach a point of acceptance in stanza nineteen when they state the raven is sitting above their chamber door, yet further states their soul shall continue floating on the floor as if their mind has not fully let go. This means the narrator may slip back into a depressive state, which further shows how the mind copes with loss, through the five stages of grief, in a non-linear fashion. One may experience a sudden “tapping” on their “chamber door,” yet unintentionally deny an emotional response, in the hopes of preserving their conceptual wellbeing (Poe 638). Denial is a persons’ way of coping with the shock of a personal loss. As human beings, we block out facts around us and refute the reality of our position, as to shield our subconscious from distress (Bolden 1). Individuals unintentionally tell themselves “Only this, and nothing more” as a way for them to slowly cope with the tragedy at hand (Poe

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