Submitted by
ROLL NO. 142
MBA (IB) - 2009-11
Flexibility in supply chain management
Objective of this paper:
To show the flexibility in Supply chain management.
Flexibility is considered to be an important differentiator in the current market place as well as in the supply chain management. The need for flexibility in SCM and also the little attention is paid to how operational activities incorporate flexibility in their supply chain practices. In this term paper, emphasis is put on the buyer-supplier relationship, marketing activities and manufacturing in order to achieve flexibility in supply chain management. These aspects are illustrated with three case studies in which supply chain structures have been evaluated in two different kinds of markets. In the end, the role of flexibility is evaluated and how this can lead to a competitive advantage.
This is a Term paper about flexibility in supply chains considering the current practices in supply chain management.
The role of supply chain management has become increasingly important for firms in highly competitive or mature markets, and we have recently seen, also in economic downturns. A well-coordinated supply chain process is difficult to imitate for competitors since it becomes more difficult to compete on product level. Globalization and liberalization in the market place are important drivers for the growing competition together with the changing demand of the consumer. A shift arose from a more technology-oriented view towards a point in time where collaboration and trust become important along the partners in the supply chain. Effective management of relationships in supply chain management is a necessity in order to withstand competitive pressures and economic downturns. Therefore supply chain management is not anymore a support function in order to implement a business