The articles for this week represented views of leadership theories that are based on behaviors that reveal the underpinnings of a shift in leadership styles. These studies presented empirical evidence of some intricacies of work relationships that do not follow a prescriptive outline that always leans toward favorable outcomes. Problem solving and adaptive leadership are key components to the decision making process, according to Porteous (2013). Societal changes warrant a transformative approach to enhance the quality of leadership locally and globally, and learning is needed to meet the evolutionary challenges of today (Nicolaides & McCallum, 2013). This narrative will reflect …show more content…
Community related issues cannot be rectified without identifying ways to combat the impact of adaptive leadership problems (Porteous, 2013). Transformational leadership promotes followers’ adaptive performance and is believed to bridge the gap between practice and the emergence of adaptive behaviors (Charbonnier-Voirin, Akremi, & Vandenberghe, 2010). According to Geir (2016), adaptive leaders are more effective at dealing with challenging situations and finding resolve. Nicolaides and McCallum (2013) came to similar conclusions; they asserted that an effective adaptive leader encourages the followers to discover and be innovative as they focus on achieving the desired …show more content…
The challenge for leaders is to not succumb to the behaviors that can be detrimental to the company and subordinates (Macoby, 2000; Tepper, 2007). As explained by Gabriel (2011), some of these behaviors manifest at the level of consciousness that conjures up repressed ideas and desires. These overpowering emotions can encourage the leader to behave in a hostile or inappropriate manner (Gabriel, 2011). Kets de Vries (2011) describes these behaviors as dysfunctional leadership prototypes, and further explains how latent childhood memories can cause a leader to lose focus and