Also face includes little speech which is a feature I have transferred to my work- little speech. At one point in the narration I put 'she put on a brave face' which I tried to link with face as Martins 'mischievous' or 'up to no good' faces are often mentioned. The three flip books animated the most special if not most important lessons of my life. The flip books were supposed to highlight them. Also as I had a restriction as to how many words I could use to describe an event a flip books tells the story without the need of an explanation. To make the flip books I watched tutorial on YouTube of how to make the book then how to animate my drawings. I looked at many examples. It was a very fun task but it needed a lot of patience. that I don't have next time to improve I would have had more flip books and made them neater.
Lily, david and Helen stepped on to the coach ready for a long journey to Heathrow airport. When they arrived Lily's heart was pounding so fast: this was the start of a new life! The wait for the plane was long. The 'lounge' was silent and relaxing yet inside Lily was screaming to herself, "is this really happening?" As she boarded the plane her mother gave her a smile, Lily put on a