When walking around on the streets, one thing people always notice is trash and polluted rivers. People throw things carelessly, which can block the canals and rivers, making them polluted and hard to maintain. Another part is the amount of weight we produce; cars, buildings adds on to the weight in which can cause the land to sink. For the past two decades, the environment and population density have changed. Over time, the quality of river catchment is decreasing due to the lack of responsibility in disposing waste. This can lead up to the sea level rising, be hazardous to the areas around those rivers, and_____ . Around 10 million people around the sea line are threatened and vulnerable to sea level rising, and around 20,000 people were forced to evacuate. Flooding can damage the infrastructure of buildings, and humanitarian problems. The impact of floods near the coastline, such as the 1923 Batavia flood, has been decreased about 35% with mangrove trees. The help support Jakarta’s fishers, provide coastal protection from typhoons and storms, control flooding and pollution, and supports sediments and reduce sediments.
But because of the increasing population, more people demand buildings and houses, and the 44,453 hectares of mangroves in 1996-1998 have been reduced to around 11,370.
Every year, the government loses about _____ trying to evacuate people and supply them with necessities for the period of time the flooding starts to decrease. I think that instead of having to repeat the same things over and over again each rainy season, they should really just do something efficient and big, even though it is expensive; because it would be definitely cheaper than having to do something again and again.