M Salazar
University of Phoenix
Operations Management
OPS 571
Michael Marticek
October 08, 2012
Flowchart for a Process On a daily basis every individual around the world carries out a process, which is a process that is called the daily routine. Weather it is driving to work or preparing your children for school in the morning, they all consume a vast amount of time. In this paper, a detailed process is recognized, and a flowchart has been designed to demonstrate the range of aspects that influence the propose course as well as the exact metric that identifies the measurement process. By including a designed flowchart for this specific process, the desired result is to recognize how the sum amount of time involved can be reduced and also making the general process supplementary efficient. As a single mother the daily routine is to prepare my daughter so that she can arrive on time to school, look presentable, and ready to study with a full tummy. Factors that Affect the Process Design The factors that influence the process design consist of: I. Did she go to bed on time? II. Did she shower? III. Is her school uniform fresh and clean? IV. Does she have her clothes near her? Ready to put on? V. Are her shoes ready to wear? And look in good condition? VI. Did she put on lotion? VII. Did she brush her teeth? And use mouthwash? VIII. Did she brush her hair? IX. Did she use her allergy nasal spray? X. Did she drink her vitamins? XI. Did she eat breakfast? XII. Did we leave on time? The steps displayed are decision factors of the process, which can drastically have an effect on the point in time it takes to complete the process of making sure Celeste is dressed, ready to learn, and on time for school. The following are supplementary steps in the process design which comprise less impact on the whole effectiveness of
References: Chase, R. B., Jacobs, F. R., & Aquilano, N. J. (2006). Operations Management For Competitive Advance (Eleventh Edition ed.). The McGraw-Hills Companies, Inc. Avenue of The Americas, New York, NY, 10020: McGraw-Hills/Irwin. Salazar, M. (2012). Flowchart. Retrieved from Personal Information