
Os 571 Flow Chart Paper

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Process Flowchart

Yadhira Santiago

OPS 571/Operations Management

Stephen Townsend

University of Phoenix

May 23, 2011

Process Flowchart Design
Life is a process itself with a lot of simusteanslly is full of tasks. Some tasks might take more than others. Simple tasks like: Getting up, getting a shower, getting dress, etc. In order to review and analyze one of my daily tasks I will use the flow chart diagrams. The steps of my daily routine of getting ready for work will be drawn out in a flow chart diagram that will be easy to understand. “The act of mapping a process out in flow chart format helps you clarify your understanding of the process, and helps you think about where the process can be improved” (Mind Tools, n.d.)”.
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Alarm goes off 2. Hit the off button 3. Take a shower 4. Brush teeth 5. Get dress 6. Is my outfit ready from the night before or do I have to think what to wear? Shoes, which ones will match my outfit? 7. Pick up accessories if I didn’t pick them the night before. 8. Hair – did I flat iron my hair the night before and needs a touch up or I am wearing it curly? 9. Make breakfast 10. Lunch – Did I prepare it the night before or do I have to spend time doing that in the morning? 11. Kids bag – Is it ready or needs to be put together? 12. Place lunch, kids bag and purse on the car and move it close to the building. 13. Change the baby’s diaper. 14. Get the kids ready (pull shoes, pants and sweaters). 15. Put the kids in the car and drop them off 16. Off to work
Several factors can affect my daily routine of getting ready for work. Metric system that we could use to measure these tasks is time. We can break the steps/tasks and see how much time is spend on each one of them and how by modifying them we could save some time. If too much time is spent on one task it will cause a chain reaction with a final result of being late for work. Next we will see the steps on the flowchart diagram (next

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