Process Factors
Run-Time and Set-up Time Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define run-time as, “…the time required to produce a batch of parts” (p. 163.) In this essay, I equate run-time to those areas that require action (tasks or operations.) Furthermore, Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define setup-time as, “…the time required to prepare a machine to make a particular item” (p. 163-164.) I liken setup-time to the time required to prepare for each task or operation. Last, Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define operation-time as,”…the sum of the setup-time and run-time for a batch of parts” (p. 164.) In this scenario, operation-time will cover the entire flow chart from “wake-up” to “arrive at work.”
Appendix A outlines my typical morning routine. Variances are few therefore; any changes affect the amount of time spent at each task or decision point. The first item is to wake up and decide whether or not to go to work. If the decision is to stay in bed or stay home, the flowchart is complete and no further actions are necessary.
As most mornings are “get out of bed,” the first task is to walk the dog. Because I do not have a fenced in yard or invisible fence, time must be allocated for this effort. If a fence was put in place, this task would not require action and I would have no need to allocate run-time therefore, reducing the time spent in the morning routine. After