Environmental Factors affect on my Leisure and Recreation
By Ali Qasim Barlas
Monday February 25th 2013
Section A
Ms. Khushboo Vora
Tutorial 17
Leisure Mapping Essay
2012-2013 KINE 1000 6.0 Socio-cultural Perspectives in Kinesiology
York University
Almost everyone has some kind of leisure time whether it is a couple hours or a couple days. What varies is the type of recreational activities people choose to do during that time. Although leisure and recreation is chosen based on ones unique individual interests, there are many sociocultural factors that influence the type of recreational activities we do, when we do it and how often we do it. These factors include political, religious, social, biological and many others. The sociocultural factor that is most dominant in influencing my leisure and recreation is the environmental factor. Environmental factors that influence my leisure include the locality or area that I live in, the weather/climate, and also the family culture I was raised in. These factors facilitate the leisure activities I am able to do and constrain certain activities as well. The economic factor also has some influence on my leisure and recreation. I find interest in many recreational activities but these factors have great influence on the activities I can do.
When constructing my seven day time map, there were a lot of general patterns that I noticed in terms of when I do my daily activities. First of all, working out in the gym was one of my most regular recreational activities. I worked out at around the same time every afternoon, right after my morning university classes. On some occasions, after my work out, I played basketball and that was the only other physical activity I engaged in. Moreover, a lot of my leisure was used socializing at home with my family and watching movies with them. Other activities I did in my leisure was watch television, check my social media
References: Aguiar, M. (2006). Measuring trends in leisure: The allocation of time over five decades. Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research. http://www.nber.org.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/papers/w12082 Culture Statistics Program. 1998. Sport Participation in Canada. Statistics Canada. http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/CH24-1-2000-1E.pdf? Fuligni, A. J., Tseng, V. and Lam, M. (1999), Attitudes toward Family Obligations among American Adolescents with Asian, Latin American, and European Backgrounds. Child Development, 70(4), 1030–1044. doi: 10.1111/1467-8624.00075 Handy, S. L., Boarnet, M. G., Ewing, R., & Killingsworth, R. E. (2002). How the built environment affects physical activity. American journal of preventive medicine, 23(2), 64-73. Khandor, E. (2011). The global city: Newcomer health in toronto. [Ebrary version]. Toronto Ontario: Toronto Public Health : Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services. http://celarc.ca.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/cppc/232/232994.pdf MARCIVE-York University. 9/21/2006. Computer and internet use by students in 2003: statistical analysis report. http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2006/2006065.pdf