Before joining my Masters in Business administration, I have done few researches at my working places, not knowing that there are some many methods, approaches, etc. Thanks to Dr. Stephen Sommerville, for teaching me to do research in the professional way. Let my first research be the critical review of my own positionality i.e. who am I to me and in the others point of view? Does my positionality affect the research works I took or will take?
Sitting back and thinking about the research that I have done in the past, I can say that the positionality had some impact on my research.
In this paper let us see how ….
Literature Review:
First of all what does this word research means?
Let us quickly see about the research just to get a brief idea about it before moving into our main topic positionality.
Research is study to identify the in depth meaning of any subject or theories by probing deep into it and argue with relevant fact and figures. Research according to author S. Sarantakos is “they are usually employed for the purpose of gaining knowledge that will advance our understanding of the social world. It may also help in rejecting or supporting existing theories about the social world”. [1]
Basically there are two forms of research namely primary research and secondary research. If you are using an accepted methodology for collecting facts and data’s it means primary research. There are three methods for primary research they are Survey method, Experimental method and Ethnographic method whereas secondary research means collections of data’s or facts from an existing resource. As Veal, A.J (1997) says that “secondary research is a research which is been done before were the data already exist, were the data might have collected to some other primary research but which might be used for the current research”.[2]
There are two important methods of research namely quantitative methods and qualitative methods. The
References: 1] Author Sir S. Sarantakos, Social Research, second edition page, 2. 2] Veal, A.J. (1997) Research Methods for Leisure Tourism Practical guide, London, Pitman. 3] (last accessed on 20th March’2008) 4] Maher & Tetreault, 1994, p. 164 5] Maher and Tetreault, 1997, p. 197 6] (last accessed on 20th March’2008)