Raymond E. Brown’s Introduction to the Gospel of John is a proposal on the development of the Gospel of John and the changes that were made to the original Gospel over time. Brown’s first stage of development includes the Gospel of John originating from the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. Brown considers this first version of the Gospel of John to be based on a witness’s personal experience of Jesus. Brown’s second stage of development includes the oral transmission of Jesus’ life and teachings in a post-resurrection Christian community. In Brown’s third stage of development, someone other than the Beloved Disciple, referred to by Brown as “the evangelist,” learned the tradition of the Beloved Disciple, and shared it by writing it down as a theologically-motivated narrative (Brown 79). Finally, another figure, “the redactor,” revised the text (Brown
Raymond E. Brown’s Introduction to the Gospel of John is a proposal on the development of the Gospel of John and the changes that were made to the original Gospel over time. Brown’s first stage of development includes the Gospel of John originating from the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. Brown considers this first version of the Gospel of John to be based on a witness’s personal experience of Jesus. Brown’s second stage of development includes the oral transmission of Jesus’ life and teachings in a post-resurrection Christian community. In Brown’s third stage of development, someone other than the Beloved Disciple, referred to by Brown as “the evangelist,” learned the tradition of the Beloved Disciple, and shared it by writing it down as a theologically-motivated narrative (Brown 79). Finally, another figure, “the redactor,” revised the text (Brown