Her mom wants her to work on the farm until she is old enough to leave .
After training Ida Mae was able to fly over the town. Ida Mae got a letter in the mail saying her brother died in combat,that broke her heart.She made a best friend named Patsy but during her flight the engine gave out and caught on fire. They decided to fly and fight in the war and honor Patsy and Thomas. During the fight, Ida MAe couldn’t take it anymore, she took off her disguise and showed them her race. They didn’t mind it though because she was a good pilot and that’s what mattered. The theme of FlyGirl is that it doesn’t matter what race you are or what gender you are but if you are good at what you do and you love it and that is what’s important. Ida Mae also realized that you need to stand up for what you believe in even if that means standing alone. The author of this book used 1960 dialect and a southern twang so it can go with the setting. She used a simile here and there but that’s pretty much it. I really liked the book because it talked about topics that fascinate or intrigue me. I give it 4.5 stars because there were something’s that confused me or I didn’t understand. I think other people would like it if they are into historical fiction and action