10 out of 10 points
A halo around the moon means that:
Selected Answer: cirrostratus clouds are present
Response Feedback:
Yes. Cirrostratus clouds are present.
Question 2
10 out of 10 points
Particles that serve as surfaces on which water vapor may condense are called:
Selected Answer: condensation nuclei
Response Feedback:
Yes. Condensation nuclei.
Question 3
0 out of 10 points
On a clear night, the minimum temperature drops to 34°F. The following night, fog forms early in the evening. It is a good bet the minimum temperature will not be as low because of the:
Selected Answer: all of the above
Response Feedback:
No. Enhancement of the greenhouse effect by the fog cloud.
Question 4
10 out of 10 points
In the United States, the least number of foggy days normally occurs in:
Selected Answer: the Southwest
Response Feedback:
Yes. The Southwest.
Question 5
10 out of 10 points
At midnight in the shallow layer of the air near the ground, the air temperature is 44°F and the dew point temperature is 36°F. If the air cools at a rate of 2°F per hour until the dew point is reached, and at a rate of 1°F per hour thereafter, then at 6:00am:
Selected Answer: the temperature will be 34°F and only dew will be present
Response Feedback:
Yes. The temperature will be 34°F and only dew will be present.
Question 6
10 out of 10 points
Which of the following would provide the most accurate method of determining cloud base altitude?
Selected Answer: ceilometer Response Feedback:
Yes. Ceilometer.
Question 7
10 out of 10 points
Suppose it is a winter night and at about 11 pm the air cools to the dew-point temperature and a thick radiation fog develops. If the air continues to cool during the night, in 5 hours the dew point temperature will probably:
Selected Answer: decrease as the air becomes drier
Response Feedback:
Yes. Decrease as the air becomes drier.
Question 8
10 out of 10 points
Which of the following