The work of the Dutch scientist, August Veraart, antedated The Bergeron-Findeisen theory. The Dutch scientific community did not well receive the reports of his 1930 experiments in Holland with dry ice and supercooled water-ice, and thus were given no serious consideration elsewhere. The popular and restricted concept of weather and climate modification was not new to our country and was called "rainmaking”. The societies, which have practiced some type of religious rainmaking, included American Indians. “The ceremonials and rituals have varied from dousing holy men with water to burying children up to their necks in the ground in the hope that the gods would be sympathetic and drop tears from the heavens” (Weather And Climate, 9). Many methods have been attempted to aid rainfall through ancient and modern times. The rights of Two U. S. Government on methods of rainmaking “were issued before the 20th century based, respectively, upon the production of carbon dioxide by expending "liquefied carbonic acid gas" and upon concussion by the detonation of explosives.” (Weather and Climate, 9) Cloud seeding programs in Australia, France and South Africa increased precipitation and renewed the scientific interest in hail
The work of the Dutch scientist, August Veraart, antedated The Bergeron-Findeisen theory. The Dutch scientific community did not well receive the reports of his 1930 experiments in Holland with dry ice and supercooled water-ice, and thus were given no serious consideration elsewhere. The popular and restricted concept of weather and climate modification was not new to our country and was called "rainmaking”. The societies, which have practiced some type of religious rainmaking, included American Indians. “The ceremonials and rituals have varied from dousing holy men with water to burying children up to their necks in the ground in the hope that the gods would be sympathetic and drop tears from the heavens” (Weather And Climate, 9). Many methods have been attempted to aid rainfall through ancient and modern times. The rights of Two U. S. Government on methods of rainmaking “were issued before the 20th century based, respectively, upon the production of carbon dioxide by expending "liquefied carbonic acid gas" and upon concussion by the detonation of explosives.” (Weather and Climate, 9) Cloud seeding programs in Australia, France and South Africa increased precipitation and renewed the scientific interest in hail