Select any two texts in the anthology where food is presented in this way by writers and compare the attitudes shown towards food in your selected texts.
Both text 24 and text 30 have been written to appeal to children. Features such as informality in language, simple sentences and cartoon characters all imply that they were produced for kids. Text 24 gives the ideology of playfulness and tasty food which the scruffy dog presents. Whilst text 30 helps to teach children essential life skills through literature. Both texts help to enhance young children’s views on life and the world using the description & use of food.
The creators of ‘Salty dog’ use phrases which help to portray the physical attributes of the Crisps. “Like Salty, our crisps are a bit rough around the edges …they’re the only hand-cooked crisps that bite back!” This quote implies that the crisps have jagged edges meaning they’re texture is rough. The use of a metaphor in the phrase ‘bite back’ does not suggest that the crisps physically bite you but instead suggest that the flavour of the crisps is very strong. Furthermore, as these crisps are aimed at children it allows them to start reading between the lines; which they’ll most likely need to do in the future.
In the story of the ‘Little Grey Rabbit ’; at the start of each paragraph, about ¾ words are capitalised.