Along with foods in the United States, they must check foods coming into or leaving the United States for proper food labeling and that the food is safe for consumption. It is important that food venders/ sellers or distributors are sure of all FDA laws before selling their foods, for they could be fined or put in jail for bad food labeling or unsafe foods. The NLEA act says that all foods sold and brought into the United States must have the proper food labeling and nutrition facts to be legally sold in the United States. Food industries often change their food labels because of frequent changes in the laws that are required for food labeling. The FDA must keep up to date on nutrition facts and proper food labeling or something will go …show more content…
All required label statements are to be placed on the front of the item, non required material by the FDA is called intervening material, which is not illegal but is just something extra that the maker of the product wants buyers to know about the product. Food labels must have name and address of the maker of the product, city and state, zip code, and packager or distributor. There also must be an ingredient lost on the food item, this is the order of each and every ingredient included in the food item. Even water is supposed to be added on the ingredients list. If a chemical preservative is approved to be added to a food item by the FDA then in the ingredients list, there must be a list of the chemical preservatives as their common name followed by "preservative, to". A major food allergen is either milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, or soy beans. Which means that these foods are the main causes of allergies among most humans. There are 160 allergens proven to cause allergies but only the ones listed are considered to be "major food allergens". Along with everything else, claviers, colors, and incidental additives are requirements of food labeling. There are some foods that are not required a food label, which only include fresh fruits or meats, but they are sometimes required to say whether they were grass fed or unnaturally fed with corn and other products. Also if they were injected with