“Food security is given the top most priority in Bangladesh. Side by side with domestic food production, greater importance is given to ensure access to adequate and safe food by all people at all time for maintaining an active and healthy life.”
With the expansion of modern communication system, each country is attaching special importance to human security issues. The government of Bangladesh has also identified food security as an important factor contributing to its socio-economic stabilization and development as it is one of the core components of human security among seven being identified by Mahbub ul Haq, an Asian scholar. Bangladesh has made a steady progress in the expansion of food production. But because of the increasing population pressure, there has been an extensive use of land to meet the growing demand for food. Despite the growth in food production and its availability, food insecurity is still a major problem because of the lack of purchasing power.
Food Security: A conceptual framework:
Food security refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it. “Food security exists when all people, at all time, have physically and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active healthy life.” When every people of a country can afford an average daily intake of more than 2122 kilocalorie or 454 gram food grains, then the food security of the country is said to be ensured.
Food Security: Some Facts in Bangladesh: * According to a projection of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, the current population of Bangladeshis approximately 16 cores, among them 30 percent of the population consume fewer than 2122 kilocalories per day. * Though Bangladesh has increased its food grain production over the past 28 years, but she had to import nearly 2 million tons of food grains per year * Bangladesh