The game of football was invented November 6 1869 the first game played was by Rutgers and Princeton Unversitys sense that day the game of football has grown into what it is today a multibillion dollar industry, but new studies have been released showing that in high school kids 11.2 kids get a concussion out of 10000 games or practices. But what are concussions? A Concussion is caused from a violent shock or a heavy blow to the head, causing the brain to hit one of the sides of the skull sending a shock wave in your head. Studies show that getting concussions can cause memory loss, Alzheimers
The game of football was invented November 6 1869 the first game played was by Rutgers and Princeton Unversitys sense that day the game of football has grown into what it is today a multibillion dollar industry, but new studies have been released showing that in high school kids 11.2 kids get a concussion out of 10000 games or practices. But what are concussions? A Concussion is caused from a violent shock or a heavy blow to the head, causing the brain to hit one of the sides of the skull sending a shock wave in your head. Studies show that getting concussions can cause memory loss, Alzheimers