The shape of the football, has an important part with the effects of how far it will go. The football is not a sphere but it has a shape of an egg. …show more content…
As said before the size of your hand will affect how far it is thrown. The grip of the ball will affect how far it is thrown because if it doesn’t have good grip it will probably slip off your hands when you throw it. The grip really helps the distance it is thrown because the more sticky it is the more force it will get and will go farther.The distance it will be thrown will be measured in yards so it will have to go pretty far to get a good length. Factors to determine distance: Arm strength (how fast it’s being thrown) ,Angle of trajectory( where it is being thrown),Spiral tightness (less wobbling),Spin rate Wind velocity and direction Humidity Density altitude, and also if the human is moving will he is moving. A good way to throw a ball farther is putting your 4 fingers on with the laces. Your thumb should be as underneath the football as possible. This way controls the angle of it the best, and throw it the farthest.
To conclude, i hope to prove that the better grip the ball has the farther the ball will travel. I also hope to help people see what ball will be better for use. I also think that it’s a really good science experiment. I also hope to prove my hypothesis right because i think the better grip the farther it will go. Last, if it has good grip it might even give a perfect spiral. And i’m pretty confident to prove that the better grip the better the ball will