Football is considered to be the best popular sport in the world and became widespread after the Second World War. This game has gained importance these days all over the world and has come to be a significant phenomenon throughout the world.
We see people becoming preoccupied with football matches more than being concerned with the fate of the Muslims throughout the world especially Muslims country in the war such Palestine and Syria. This preoccupation with football has also become the concern of newspapers and magazines, and football matches are aired regularly on TV screens. Whatever news or stories relating to football clubs and players is publicised and all of this attracts people to sport and to players. Furthermore, the people’s emptiness and forgetfulness cause them to forget the main purpose of their creation and the real goal (of their lives) that they have to realise.
This doesn`t mean football only shows negative impact at all, but we as a Muslims must beware and not make football as only purpose of life. We should make football as a sport that makes us healthy and strong so that we can be a good Muslim and preparation for jihad.
Show support and message to world on Palestine after scoring goal.
Brief history of Football and its different types.
Football is a game played between two teams which each have eleven players. They use a pumped up ball on a rectangular shaped playing field which has a goal at each end for each team. Each team tries to get the ball pass the goal-keeper of the opposing team in order to gain a point (goal) and in order to gain superiority over the rival by achieving more goals.
There are many stories of how and where football originated. Some of these are as follows:
a. A football game existed in China as early as 206 B.C.(before century) By 500 C.E(common era), round balls
References: 1. Reilly, Thomas; Gilbourne, D. "Science and football: a review of applied research in the football code" published in 2003. Journal of Sports Science 21: 693–705. 2. Mufti Ahmed E. Bemat., Islam and Games,Tadkeshwar, Surat, Gujrat, India, translated into English from Gujrati by Prof Murtaz Husain F. Quraishi, Navsari, Gujrat, India,(1989). 3. (Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rahmatullah alaih), Hayâtul Muslimeen, Prepared by Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa, Port Elizabeth, p.109 ) . 4.Authenticated by al-Bukhaaree in his saheeh (vol. 1, 478) ;Ahmad in al-Musnad (volume.3,478) ; Aboo Daawood in as-sunan,hadeeth no 4014 ; Tirmidhee in al-Jaami’, hadeeth no. 2798; al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak (vol.4, 180);Ibn Hibbaan in as-Saheeh, hadeeth no. 1710 – al-Ihsaan. 5. Authenticated by Aboo Daawood in as-Sunan, hadeeth no. 3 l40 and no. 4015; Ahmad in al-Musnad (vol. 1, 146). The hadeeth is saheeh. 6. Nawrat, C., Hutchings, S., The Sunday Times Illustrated History of Football, Hamlyn, London, (1994), pp.125-269 7. Barrett, Norman., The Daily Telegraph Football Chronicle, Stanley Paul and Company Limited, London, (1994), pp.226, 232 8. Nawrat, C., Hutchings, S., The Sunday Times Illustrated History of Football, Hamlyn, London, (1994), p.151 9. Daniel Pipes ; Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From (The Free Press - Simon & Schuster)(2007) p.86–87 10. Kanoute balance between football and faith during Ramadhan. (accessed 26 March 2013)