Footnote of the Youth
Necktie Napkin Fold 1. Lay the napkin face-down and orient it so that one of the corners points to you. 2. Starting at the upper tip, fold the right side about 1/3 of the way diagonally to the left. Don't press the fold down yet. 3. Repeat the last step with the left side and then adjust them both if needed so that both sides are symmetrical. Now press down the folds. 4. Fold the right side in about 1/3 of the way starting from the upper tip, similar to what we did in the last two steps. Don't press it down yet. 5. Repeat the last fold along the left side and adjust for symmetry. When you're happy with the shape of your tie, press the folds down. 6. Fold the upper 1/3 of the tie diagonally to the right so the tip of the tie is perpendicular to he lower part. 7. Turn the tie over so the tip is now pointing left. 8. Wrap the tip around the top of the tie and tuck it in underneath to create the knot. There you are, your very own clever necktie napkin!
Twin Candle Napkin Roll 1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you. 2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally. 3. Roll the napkin from the long side to the point as tightly as you can. A tighter roll will create a stiffer candle in the end product. 4. Fold the candle roll in half. 5. Stick it in your napkin ring and stand it up on the table. Now sit back and laugh as everyone knocks them over!
Slide Napkin Fold 1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you. 2. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you. 3. Fold the napkin into quarters. 4. Orient the napkin so that the open end is pointing away from you. 5. Fold the napkin in half by bringing the far end up to the front. Press this fold down well. 6. Take the top-layer of napkin and fold it back, making a crease about 1/2"-1" before the top. 7. Flip the napkin over, keeping the single-layer tip pointing away from you 8. Fold the napkin in half from left to right and press the fold down