Mrs. Nejwa Al-Ghoraibi
Research Methods –Lane 331
8, April, 2012
The Effects Of Grief in For One More Day
This paper studied the character Charles (Chick) Benetto in For One More Day by Mitch Albom and the effects of losing a loved one on people as Mr. Benetto lost his mother. The author showed through this character the importance of the relationship with our families and the mother’s love. This research holds more than one theme in the novel such as grief, love, perfection, regrets and forgiveness. In life, everyone have to face this kind of situation, but it has a different influence on each person.
As humans we all need the love of mother 's. It could never be compared to any kind of other loves in the whole world. A mother sacrifeces more than anyone could ever do for us in life. They are always there for us no matter what. For One More Day is a novel that has a wakeup call which is making us aware of the value of the family and what it really means. Mother,father, brothers and sisters each one of them has his own role that affected your life in some way. From the researcher point of view, we would never be who we are today if we did not have the support of our family. They are who made us who we are today.
Death is something that we all fear but never consider, and therefor humans manners are based on that. People sometimes never recognize how precious some small things are that others do for them until one day they wake up and feel the emptiness that those little things filled their lives. When people underestimate and mess evaluate what others do for them it leads to regret, which might affect them negatively and cause depression, and those who affects them positively try to appreciate everything in their lives.
Albom made the researcher think deeper of the relationships with others. He made the researcher inspired and consider a question in life, What if we lose this person today?, if everyone did this,