References: Blackbaud. October 2011. Financial Management of Not-For-Profit Organizations. Retrieved on June 23, 2011 located at…
DQ3: What are some examples of government and not-for-profit organizations? How do proprietary businesses measure achievement? How do government organizations measure success?…
The role of finance in Health Care Systems, Inc. as a not-for-profit hospital is to support the provision of high quality care on a financial level. “In other words, firms may use not-for-profit status to commit themselves to provide quality by constraining their own incentives to reduce (unobserved and noncontractible) quality in favor of profits.” (Chang & Jacobson, 2010). The financial information for not-for-profit hospitals is primarily used by the donors, members, creditors and/or anybody that provides the resources for the hospital. These are considered external users who all have common interests in the organization. These common interests assess the following:…
Identifying the appropriate questions to direct and guide the researcher is potentially the most important element in the research process. Unfortunately; like many problem sets, the questions regarding the funding of nonprofits are not clear and concise and all aspect should be carefully considered. Nonprofit organizations span from social and recreational clubs to major public charities and human services. Has the Federal government and State financial reductions affected all of the nonprofits equally? If not, how have the cutbacks differed among the different elements and types of nonprofit…
In the health care industry there are different types program sector organizations, which has its own uniqueness. The different sectors of health care are divided amongst the for-profit, non-profit, and government organizations because they all have a common goal but the financial aspect is the same when it comes to providing care to patients. Within the three types of organization types, the financial need is collected and reported differently due to the organization common goal, financial environment and community outlook. In my research, to give a clearer picture I have chosen an organization that represents each health care sectors environment and they are: Health…
The sole aim of this report is for marketing and promotional purposes of the Not-for-Profit medical research center.…
Not-for-profit organization’s primary goal “is not to increase shareholder value; rather it is to provide some socially desirable need on an ongoing basis. It generally lacks the financial flexibility of a commercial enterprise because it depends on resource providers that are not engaging in an exchange transaction. The resources provided are directed towards providing goods or services to a client other than the actual resource provider. Thus the not-for-profit must demonstrate its stewardship of donated resources —money donated…
The Non Governmental Organization that I am going to write about is MercyCorps. MercyCorps mission is to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping People build secure, productive and just communities. MercyCorp is helping make the world a better place, in many different areas from conflict relief, learning, human rights issues, and much more.…
Non-profit organizations, also known as 501(c) (3) organizations, uses their revenues to accomplish their mission statement, rather than making profit out of it. 501(c) (3) organizations are organizations that earned the tax-exempt status. There are many different types of nonprofits. It varies from clubs to charities, locally and globally. Nonprofits can either be member-serving or community-serving. "Non-profit organizations include churches, public schools, public charities, public clinics and hospitals, political organizations, legal aid societies, `volunteer services organizations, labor unions, professional associations, research institutes, museums, and some governmental agencies." (Cornell). There are also many successful and well-known…
This paper explores articles and research conducted on nonprofit versus For-Profit Healthcare and Organizations. There are three types of entities that own hospitals, which are: nonprofit, for-profit, and government. However, it can’t be determined if they specialize in different medical services or how their service profits affect certain specializations. More than likely, the for-profits offer profitable medical services that benefit the organization, which would lead to believe that the nonprofits are in the middle, leaving the government with offering the unprofitable services. The for-profits are also quite responsive to the changes associated with service profitability than the nonprofit or government entities. Therefore, it would be necessary to evaluate the value of nonprofit hospital ownership and differentiate between the service offerings amongst the hospital types. Looking into the ways that for-profit hospitals make profits, it would be necessary to take into consideration the geographical location versus the well insured citizens that are located within the area. This paper also looks into the assumption that all general hospitals are relatively alike in the services provided, regardless of ownership…. but also that these entities would vary in their patient mixture. In my research, this paper is for the recognition of profit making and to introduce the idea that for-profit healthcare and organizations are more opt to decide on which medical services to offer based on the service profitability.…
Additionally, nonprofits that retain their status have gradually come to resemble for-profits in numerous ways. For example, more nonprofits are now relying on revenues generated from services versus donations, more of them are depending on their economic performance in order to gain access to specific types of financing, more of them have less ties with the community and are functioning on a more national level, and more nonprofits are engaging in practices traditionally reserved for for-profits such as hybrid arrangements, joint ventures and alliances. Proponents of nonprofits claim that the two entities have different objectives; nonprofits want to better the community, while for-profits are mostly interested in maximizing profits for their shareholders. While some studies suggest that for-profits actually benefit the healthcare industry, either through introducing new sources of capital or by making more services available, the studies are not…
Worth, M. (2011). Non-profit management: Principles and practice (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412994453.…
The high cost of new technology and the cost of drugs have made private organizations to the point that poeple can hardly afford health insurance. At the end of they day, this has become a major problem for non-profit organizations that do not have the resources to help this people, leading it to a deficit for the government where somehow these bills have to paid. In addition to these issues, the health cared industry comes freighted with a mass of ethical and moral fundamentals that other countries do not have because capitalism does not believe in free health care. On the other hand, there are been tremendous changes in population demographics that have brought negative consequences for the health care industry because as popultion grows, the demand for drugs and medical services also changes. For example, the decline in the birthrate and improvement in health care have contributed to an increase in the average age of the population in the United…
In the United States, there are many different types of non-profit organizations. These organizations help with many things, like building homes, protecting wildlife and animals, and giving people food. These organizations are also made to help enforce some of the laws. Without organizations like MADD, ASPCA, and Habitat for Humanity, our community would be worse than it is now.…
We are using some promoting and effective tactics in our new project, which can change the people mind and make the societies peaceful. We are also arranging some raising awareness sessions for youth in universities and communities, so they can learn from campaigns. Psychological assistants and social work will also help youth to discuss their problems or if they are facing any societal consequences of drug abuse or addiction. We are designing some new prevention strategies for local people, who educate about the disasters country and communities can face due to drug addiction. There should be commitment to funds for drug prevention efforts, for long-term.…