Inherent limitations of internal control over financial reporting include things like fraud, human error, overriding of controls. Internal controls, no matter how big or small the company, can only assure that they provide “reasonable assurance” that the objectives of the internal control system and being achieved.
b. Locate the CEO certification toward the end of Ford’s 10K, Summarize the main components of the certification. Why should users of the financial statements be assured by the statements made in the certification?
The certification is a document signed by the CEO, certifying that he has reviewed the Report and it does not contain any information that is untrue nor does it leave out any information which would cause statements made in the report to be untrue. It certifies that the financial information included in the report fairly represents the condition of the company during the period(s) being reported. The CEO also signs that he is responsible for the design and implementation of disclosure and internal controls over financial reporting, and that their effectiveness was evaluated by him and covered in the report. Lastly it is made certain that the CEO, and other qualifying officers, have disclosed any material weaknesses or sufficient deficiencies found in internal control.
It is important for the user to see the certification because it allows them to have faith that the parties in involved in creating, and reporting the information is willing to take personal responsibility for the company’s financial statements. Signing off on this certification would deter management from committing any type of fraud.
c. How does management obtain comfort that internal control does not contain any material weaknesses?
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate