Any individual reading an article about these methods may believe that the internet would be the simpler way to go. Even though it may be simpler, creating a 3D model will give you more information and insight about the figure you are trying to recreate. When using a computer, it can make unintended mistakes that one may not even realize. On the other hand, going 3D can take longer. However, taking the time to carefully develop this face can bring more attention into the details and make sure every piece of the face is right to lead you to the
Any individual reading an article about these methods may believe that the internet would be the simpler way to go. Even though it may be simpler, creating a 3D model will give you more information and insight about the figure you are trying to recreate. When using a computer, it can make unintended mistakes that one may not even realize. On the other hand, going 3D can take longer. However, taking the time to carefully develop this face can bring more attention into the details and make sure every piece of the face is right to lead you to the